Saturday 25 August 2018


Are We Puppets?

 Do you know that we all are the puppets in some others' show? 

 How many of us know that we have been made to believe in what others want us to be? 

 What if I say that famous quotes make ourselves less used rather than motivating us? 

We are in 21st century where not only we need to upgrade ourselves but also the quotes of previous century need a revamp.

A Dreamer Aren't You?

From childhood we would have heard of a quote ‘DREAM UNTIL YOU ACHIEVE’, but none said what we would achieve, Our fullest potential or what we think is our fullest potential?


Dreaming would have been a great idea when there was a ROAD LESS TRAVELED as Robert Frost thought in 1916, but now all the roads that look less traveled are mimicked so, with footprints being erased by the people as they walk through to avoid others following them.

Expecting Two Paths In Life?

 WOWness of a person lies in how he avoids other from following him. Wonders of the world will no more be wonders if everyone got to find how it got into existence.

Life Is a One Way Traffic


Just for a change stop dreaming and take the world as it is. There is no more different paths diverging from a point in our life, it’s a straight path that we travel through with different houses on either side for us to explore things within

Being said so, won’t that be boring if we have explored everything in a house and still we stay in the same house.


Steve With Right Jobs

If Steve Jobs had dreamt of making APPLE only a computer manufacturing company then there would have been a chance of him failing long back rather he stopped dreaming and APPLE broke in as consumer electronics manufacturer. 

Stopped dreaming, that is where according to me the success of APPLE lies. 

In interviews Steve would have asked us to dream but actually he stopped dreaming which every one of us failed to understand. Aren’t we the puppets of few?

Puppets Maybe

Without dreaming would we all become a vehicle without tires? No, if we are to stop dreaming then we could see that the houses in our path are all kept open for us to explore.


So what next, without dreaming? How to achieve more in our life? Well there are two choices you need to make before getting to a conclusion whether to dream or not to.

King Of One?
Jack Of All?


What would be your choice King Of One or Jack Of All

Previously being king of one is what everyone needed but at present in a highly digitized world being king of one is called as a stagnant person.

So being jack of all is the obvious choice you are left to choose with, if you want yourselves to be upgraded to the current situation.


It requires you to stop dreaming to be Jack of All, say if you are working in a firm and you dream of attaining the highest position in that firm then congrats you made yourself a king of one instead if you stop dreaming you would be having many choices to take while you move further up in your life, even a choice that would be much greater than what you stopped dreaming about.

If you dream of being in the top of a hierarchy and attain it, then You will stay there until they find some alternative for you, if they are to find an alternative then you haven’t achieved what you dreamt of and also lost many things on the path while focusing only on one dream.

Being Laid Back?

Would you choose being in the top of one thing and get laid back in there or being excited in one of the many things that you do.

Being Excited?
I probably would go with being excited rather than being laid back, because if you are laid back then the position would no more have a benefit for you. 

I am person who wants to be excited in everything that I do rather than being stagnant in same place.


For person like me who doesn’t find excitement in only one thing, please stop dreaming. Dreaming about your future will make you blind from seeing many other things available around you.

Try everything that is open for you in your path, if you are to feel excited about one thing then spend some extra time of your life in that. Also make sure that you don’t waste one extra moment in thing that doesn’t excite you in first attempt.
Usain The Bolt

Usain Bolt, the fastest man alive on the earth hasn’t dreamt of becoming a sprinter, first sports he got interest was cricket but without dreaming of becoming a cricketer he also tried athletic events which excited him much, so he had spent much of his time in becoming an athlete.

we the current generation people at least try not to dream of one thing in course of which being ignorant of many other opportunities that could probably excite you much more than what you dreamt of.

'As dreaming is for 20th century people, so is living our life to the fullest for 21st century people'. 


All these are just my opinion about dreams and my thoughts on how things might have been. Well people who still want to dream about their future, all the best for achieving more greatness and for the people who think the other way around like me, come lets speak out our weird thoughts!!!


  1. Good topic to pitch your first attempt.

    1. Thanks for the positivity Pugazh!!!!

    2. Nice article bro for a 1st blog pls continue to do so bro 1st i thought u said dreaming on 1 thing itself is wrong but when u said tat for some people like me we cant focuse on 1 single thing cause we get excited on n number of things tat and after u quoted example of bolt tat was an eye opener one littke thing is iam not exp in blogging and. All na but i read more bloggs just avoid putting relevant pictures for every stanza na its looks like a bit amature approach na to me instead put some gud quotes or any funny gifs tat will be nice na and this article is must read for those they thought their dream is this or tat simply cause it is accepted by all or easy to do or they may be satisfied by someone tat they get excited by doing only 1 thing and pls continue writting bro enaku therinja neraya per suma t.p kaga 1ru blogg pantu apdiye ututanga so pls pls write more na 💓💓

    3. Thanks you sriram!! Words meant a lot...💗💗 Will surely take all the points in for next writing...
      Am amatuer in this so your findings are so true, next time i will add something other than photos.

      I was so excited to start this blog so within three hours i cooked this whole thing.

      Next time i will take some time to get a proper one.

  2. Keep going champ , best wishes.

    1. Thank you for the wishes! Whoever the person commented this 🙏🙏!!!!

  3. Great da..Nice topic.
    Wish u all the bst����

  4. Great bro..the best part here is I'm confused.

    1. Thanks da sriram!!!

      Tell me where you got confusion, maybe that could lead me to another topic.

  5. Nice work thambi...u cooked a gud food...

  6. Great start dood🤘😎 a completely different yet a very optimistic outlook😎😊 awesome work ...keep going...looking forward to more from you changing!!!

    1. Thank you dood🙏🙏🙏

      Surely will get another post soon...

      Looking for topic probably you could expect one each week...🤟🤟🤟

  7. Nice work machan... All the best for ur upcoming writings.....

  8. Good start. Congratulations. My view is when it comes to an educated adult, what you say is probably ok. But for those adolescents who are pursuing education and in the verge of completing their moral responsibility that to from a middle class family, they have to think twice . It is my personal view. Again Hats off to your great start

    1. Thanks for the Comment uncle!!! everyone has an unique way of seeing things and yeah I accept what you is said is also true.

      Thinking Twice!!!!

      Thanks for kindling some more inside of me!!!!

      Finally thanks for the wishes!! will try to post more such contents. sorry if am contradicting your views.

  9. Good write up!!! Keep writing my wishes

  10. Nice. Keep going. All the best frd.

    1. Thank you for the wishes!!! Will keep things going for sure...

  11. Good work Akash. Keep writing. My wishes 💐

  12. Oohu nice da keep going.keep rocking have great and also wonderful future ahead 😉😊😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😊😉😉😉😉😉😊😊 😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊😉😉😊

  13. Good one Akash!!!way to go:)All the best and waiting for more!!

    1. Thank you shruthi!! Will keep hitting with some more like this in future...

  14. Hi Akash. First of all congratulations on your blogging. Wonderful writing bro. I entered to read your third blog. But thought of starting with the first. Good one about dreams. I am impressed with Usain Bolt's dream and the way you expressed about it. The Excitement.. Which is what is required to Live the energetic Life. Cool da.

    1. Thank you for the words sissy!!! Look forward for more such writings sissy!!!
